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Best of Worst of

The podcast that takes the good with the bad in the world of pop culture

May 27, 2020

This week Jesse and Jason discuss the big screen escapades of your favorite mutants. We discuss the Best and Worst of X-Men movies. 

Theme Music: Amigo

Artwork: Wes Forbus

May 20, 2020

This week on Best of Worst of, Jesse and Jason not only attempt out longest episode title yet, we also reminisce about the great era of kids sports movies that was the 1990s.  

Theme Music: Amigo

Artwork: Wes Forbus

May 15, 2020

Another installment of BOWO Bites, our bite sized behind the scenes podcast where you get to listen to what Jesse and I talk about before the podcast begins.   This week it is sports related. Please enjoy!

May 13, 2020

This week on Best of Worst of, Jesse's dream comes true as we do BOWO Muppet Movies.  We will be covering all your favorite Muppet friends who have graced the big screen.

Theme Music: Amigo

Artwork: Wes Forbus

May 6, 2020

This week, Jesse and Jason put on their form fitting suits and climb every wall (and this week not just because of quarantine) to discover the Best and Worst of Spider-man Movies.

Theme Music: Amigo

Artwork: Wes Forbus